Tuesday, July 26, 2016
This picture was taken before I actually started the chemotherapy treatment, but I was so ready to get things going AND I survived!! I admit that I was fearful of the unknown. How will my body react? Will it hurt? Will my port work properly? etc.
I had the most amazing nurse, Anabeth, who explained everything that she was doing and why. I really like that. She had me look at the needle before she accessed the port. I usually do not look as needles are being inserted in my body, but I was brave and it really didn't look bad, except that it is bent on the end -- on purpose.
Thanks to numbing cream, I did not feel anything when the port was accessed. She was able to get a blood return and that is a good thing. It means that they will be able to draw blood from my port to keep track of white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, etc. It also means one less poke in the arm.
The first infusion was a steroid, then anti-nausea medicine, and then after a saline flush, the highly anticipated Adriamycin, also known as "Red Devil" or "Red Death" due to the color and the effects on your body. Death obviously refers to killing the cancer cells and not me personally. :) I think it is one of the only chemo therapies that has color. It looks like cherry Koolaid. It took less than 15 minutes to infuse, so it is a potent little thing.
This is me getting the actual infusion. Piece of cake!
This is me pretending like it is not a piece of cake. :)
The pink mug in my hand is full of ice chips that I had to eat while it was infusing. This drug creates mouth sores, but by eating ice, the cold constricts the blood vessels and does not allow as much chemo to enter therefore cutting down on the amount of mouth sores. Brilliant, right?! Thank you to whomever thought that one up!
After another saline flush, I received Cyclophosphamide which is a clear liquid. My brain told me that all the clear ones were just water so it was okay, and it was okay.
Everything went picture perfect--no nausea, no adverse reaction, proper port function, etc. Honestly, I could not be more blessed. I know the coming days will bring a different story, but for today I have hope and health, and an amazing husband who was by my side the whole way today. Thank you, Mark! I love you!
Thank you to everyone who has prayed for me and held me and my family in your hearts. I return the love and prayers knowing that each new day is a gift from God. Enjoy!
Nowotwor -- Elizabeth
Ahhhh! I love you!! Yay!