Wednesday, November 9, 2016

8 Down - 8 To Go

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
Interestingly on the 8th, I finished my 8th treatment and have 8 more to go. 8 must be lucky number today!
I have reached the half-way point and it feels great. Overall I feel really good. I am so blessed. My white blood cells crashed last week so I have to get Neupogen shots twice a week for the remainder of my treatments, but that's okay. It will be a great blessing to my immune system during the cold and flu season.
I want to express deepest gratitude to Erin for taking me to my chemo treatment today. I know that was hard for you but it meant so much to me. It must be very difficult to watch your mom go through cancer, but honestly, I am so glad it is me and not you. I truly don't know how mothers watch their children endure such a trial. Any mother would take it from their child in a heartbeat. So, I really am glad it's me. Erin, I am fighting a good fight for my family. We are winning!


  1. love you!! i adore these pictures of your pretty smile and optimistic words.

  2. You have the prettiest bald head I have ever seen! (Tears streaming down my face as I type these words.) Erin, I know how much this means to your Mom! Thank you for sharing you lucky # 8 and people always thought it was 7. May God be with you, my dear sister and friend! Eternal sisters! :-)
