Friday, June 17, 2016

I'm home!

 Friday, June 17, 2016
Well, God heard and answered our prayers! The surgery was a huge success. The lymph nodes are clean. My pain has been controlled the whole time. The nurse asked me last night what my pain level was, and I honestly answered "zero." What a blessing! Granted I am on pain meds. :)

Mark is a wonderful nurse. I am grateful for an amazing support team. If you are reading this, then you are one of my team members and I thank you!

I was able to walk outside today up the street a few houses. It felt so good to feel the sunshine on my face and a gentle breeze in my hair. Oh, how I love the simple things--like being home!


  1. I am so glad things went well. I wish I could come visit you 😞💞

  2. Yes!!!! You look fabulous for just having surgery. Hugs my friend!

  3. YAAAAYYYY! This makes my heart leap with joy! Love you my dear friend!!

  4. I'm so relieved! We all love you so much. To me alone, you have been a friend, a blessing, and a direct answer to prayer. I know you have no idea how you have changed my life for the better. I love you, friend.

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