Friday, June 24, 2016
I visited with my oncologist yesterday and we discussed a test called Oncatype DX that will help me know very specifically what the chance of my recurrence will be. I have just been trying to deal with the fact that I have cancer and not really thinking about if it could or would recur. It was actually quite sobering.
Even though my brain was going crazy, I slept better than I expected, so when I awoke around 5:00 a.m. I was well rested. I turned on the TV to find a BYU devotional by Sondra Heaston originally given on June 23, 2015 titled "Keeping Your Fingers on the Pulse of Service." It was a great talk and really uplifted me. She shared a YouTube video from the Cleveland Clinic that really affected me. Here is a link, if you interested in watching it (4:23 long): P.S. Have a tissue handy.
I am learning that every person has a story. May we all be just a little kinder to each other.
Sending love and hope to each of you as your own story plays out. --Elizabeth
Thanks for sharing that video and talk...what a powerful reminder for us all! You are a true example to me of always thinking and caring for others, thank you Elizabeth!