Sunday, October 23, 2016

My Wig

Sunday, October 23, 2016
I can't believe that I actually broke down and got a wig! I wasn't planning on it, but I must say it is nice for those lazy days when I can't decide what hat/scarf will match my outfit.
A couple of weeks ago, I met Megan who works for the American Cancer Society and she offered me a wig. Did you know that ACS gives one free wig to every cancer patient that wants one? I think that is really awesome! Megan was so kind to sit with me among hundreds of wigs and literally let me try on whatever I wanted. I finally settled on straight hair, because I have never had straight hair and this is my chance to find out what it's like (unless it decides to grow back in straight--we shall see). And I love this color. So I took the offer of a free wig and that's my story.
Thanks Megan and the American Cancer Society!


  1. BTW, my neighbor has a bright blue one that she wears around the neighborhood. We cheer for her when she wears it!

  2. ahhhh! i love this so much! i mean, i love you ANY way, but the straight hair!? it's so different and fun!!!
