Saturday, August 13, 2016

Five Day Hair Loss Program

Saturday, August 13, 2016
I was told that Day 14 after my first chemotherapy treatment would bring hair loss. For some reason, I thought I might be exempt. NOT!!
I woke up Tuesday and checked the towel I had spread on my pillow to catch all my hair, but it just had a few hairs. I thought I had dodged a bullet.
Then I washed my hair and that is when all things changed. I couldn't tell what was hitting my arms in the shower. Was it the water? Was it hair? Or was it my tears? Actually, it was all of them. When I finally had the courage to open my eyes, my arms were covered with short hairs all the way up to my elbows. I didn't have the emotional strength to clean the drain, so my amazing husband did. He is an angel. I am doing fine now, but wow, this has been a difficult journey!
Thank you for your prayers!
Nowotwor -- Elizabeth
P.S. I do not recommend this hair loss program!  It works, but it stinks!
Monday, Day 13
Monday, Day 13
Friday, Day 17
Saturday, Day 18


  1. You're beautiful Elizabeth! Hair or no hair! I love the progress shots! :)

  2. :( And smiling through it all. You are AMAZING!!

  3. I just love our genetic hair crown! It is the prettiest crown God could place upon your head and the beauty of this crown it that it will NEVER fall out! I sure love you, my precious sister!

  4. I just love our genetic hair crown! It is the prettiest crown God could place upon your head and the beauty of this crown it that it will NEVER fall out! I sure love you, my precious sister!
