Saturday, June 25, 2016

Dear Cathie,

Friday, June 24, 2016
Dear Cathie,
This morning I was sad, so I prayed for an angel. I never in a million years dreamed it would be you!! And I am so grateful that it was. J
It is no coincidence that we were both on outings with our daughters who are preparing for missions and just happened to run into each other. As we were having our own personal reunion, our daughters were connecting so well even though they have never met.
As we sat together and I asked about your sweet family, I was not prepared for your personal journey with your 5 year old son who has cancer. All of a sudden, my cancer came into focus and I am so grateful that I have this burden and not my children. How do you do it? How do you watch your sweet little boy suffer? How do you not pray that you wish it was you and not him? Oh, how you must relate, in some small way, to Heavenly Father who watched His Only Begotten Son suffer? You are strong! And you are brave!
Thank you for speaking my new language—cancer. Thank you for the warnings. Thank you for the hope.
Do you remember the first time we met? It was about 25 years ago. We had just moved into your LDS ward and I was called to be the Mia Maid advisor. You were a Mia Maid. I loved you instantly. I remember the day vividly. I can’t remember your hair color but it was unusual for the day. J I wasn’t sure if you would like me, but that proved to be a non-issue. We became fast friends.
When you went into Relief Society, I became your visiting teacher. And then the day I got to be your Matron of Honor at your wedding – oh, what a blessing for me!  You were beautiful! I also remember being at your temple sealing.  Cathie, I am so proud of you!
You will never know what our miraculous meeting meant to me. It gave me a chance to look into your eyes and tell you honestly and sincerely that I love you. I always will.
Friends forever,

P.S. To all my friends who read this post, will you add little 5-year-old Andon to your prayers? Thanks!

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